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Turning your business     into Earth's greatest hero

Providing free environmental consulting services to private firms who are interested in supporting our cause to fight climate change and global warming.


Earthapy aims to fight climate change by providing free environmental consulting services to private firms who are interested in supporting our cause to fight climate change and global warming.

01 Waste Reduction

We aim to achieve the reduction of waste because the landfills of waste generate methane, which contributes to global warming.

02 Saving Energy

Decreasing energy usage is an important goal for us, as it helps and slow down the exploitation of the planet for energy.

03 Promoting Sustainable Life

We aspire to promote sustainable lifestyle among individuals working in companies so each individual can contribute to the cause.

04 Maintaining Profits

We want to help our client businesses minimize the reduction of their profit levels while changing the business to be more sustainable in order to ensure that the business can survive and thrive in the sustainable world.


Earthapy's task is to improve the sustainability of private firms, and there are three main procedures in Earthapy's operations. Check out these procedures below for you as a representative of your company to help your company environmentally improve and also help our cause to save the planet from climate change.

Join Us

Whether you are a company seeking our counsel, an organization/association wanting to collaborate with us, a donor, or you are just someone who want to voluntarily give some support in our cause, click the button below and communicate with us. Any help is highly appreciated.

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